Saturday, October 16, 2010

FAB Friday...on Saturday

I have a few post that I want to write but this past week has been kinda hectic. Finley had a great visit from Mimi, Grandad, and Uncle Greg last weekend. The evil stomach bug paid a visit to our house (YUCK!) and we survived. Finley is growing like a weed and changing everyday. She is sitting up really well and likes to play with her new to us toys that Micah gave her. She has a new face that she loves to make where she scrunches up her nose and smiles really big. I have tried getting a picture of her making the face but she is too fast for me. She is eating and loving solids. So far she likes pretty much everything (she gets that from her Dad, not me) beans, carrots, peas, squash, peaches, pears, prunes (yes prunes), oatmeal, applesauce, but NOT banannas! Finley also loves to munch on real apple slices and baby puffs (she likes the bannana flavored ones...weird I know). I am amazed at how well she can use her fingers to pick up the puffs and then put them in her mouth. She started doing that two weeks ago and new exactly what to do with them the minute I put them on her high chair. I think that is advanced for a baby her age but of course I would...after all I am her Mom. I got a new lense for my camera and I am trying to learn how to use it (I should add that I am not the photographer that my sister is so don't expect too much). I really want to take great pictures of my beautiful subject so I am trying to learn how to be a better photographer...but I will leave the rest up to the pro photographer in our family. Above are a few of the pictures from Finley's little photoshot. I apologize for the insane amount of pictures but I couldn't decide which ones to use and not use.

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