Tuesday, February 22, 2011

11 and in HEAVEN!!!

Picutres curtesy of {Micah} Leigh Photography
Happy 11 months Finley! I can't believe that you are only a month away from being 1 year young! You are growing and learning so fast that its hard to keep up with everything. You are and absolute ball of fun, joy, and energy. You don't stop moving all day long (which is probably why you are so tiny). You love to play on the floor with all of your toys and explore every cabinet, drawer, and room of the house. The day begins for you around 7 or 7:30 when you wake up. You eat three meals a day...Breakfast is usually oatmeal, yogurt, juice, and sometimes toast, lunch is either baby food or grilled cheese, banana, berries, turkey and dinner is baby food or whatever daddy and I are eating that night. You love to eat big people food and are slowly stating to turn away baby food.
What you are doing now:
*talking A LOT-you say Mama, Dada, baby, ball, bath, Ta ta (Tucker), Papa, GAMECOCK (yeas Gamecock!), doggie, kitty cat, and juice.
*We have started baby sign language with you and you can sign please, more, all done, daddy, and we are working on juice, mamma. You love the song head and shoulder and like to point out your head.
*You wake up around 7:00 and take two naps...one around 9 and one around 2. You have started waking up during the night and want to come into the bed and snuggle with us...I don't get much sleep when you do this but I secretly love it...I will get my sleep when you are a teenager, don't want anything to do with your parents, and sleep til noon (who am I kidding...you will keep me awake at night for different reasons by then!)
*You are such a lover, little snuggler, and sweet baby. I love this about you and how you love to be close to us, hug, and kiss us.
*You like to do the "You're Safe!" and "Touch Down" signs
*You are a pro walker now and you will walk from one end of the den to the other and think you are HOT STUFF! Ha! You can squat down and pick something off of the floor and have been doing that for a while.*Finley, you are an absolute joy in our lives! You are full of personality and everyone that meets you instantly adores you. Mommy and Daddy love you so much and have loved watching you grow...now please slow down! Ha!

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