Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lucky 13!

Happy 13 months Finley! Wow I can't believe that that this time last year you were only one month old. We were in Columbia, Ohio and finding our groove with sleeping, feedings, and baseball game. So much has change yet remains the same.
What I'm doing now:
*I no longer eatting any baby food and have completely weaned from nursing...I love grilled cheese, chicken, chicken nuggets/fingers, yogurt, carrots, green beans, strawberries (your favorite), turkey, oranges, spaghetti, and more. For the most part you are a good eater but you do have your moments. You weaned off breast milk very easily...much to my dismay.
*You say many words like dada, mama, juice, doda (doggie), Tata (Tucker), Papa, bat (bath), babba (bubbles), bir (bird), bye bye, Gamecock, ducduc (duck),
*You sleep until around 7:30-8:00 am and you still take a morning nap and an afternoon nap.
*We are teaching you sign language and right now you can sign juice, please, eat, more, all done, hot, milk
*You love to sing with Momma and unfortunately I think you have my voice.

1 comment:

  1. She has changed so much in just a month! Sweet pictures.
