Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer Summer Time

I know that it has been FOOOOREVVVVERRRR since I posted last. We have been busy bunch and I just have not had the time to sit down and post plus my picture upload has been extremely slow. The Buscher have had a blast this summer! Finley is just like her Mom and loves doing anything outdoors. We visited the Marchbanks and Tollesons in Greenville. Finley and Tripp played great together. One of the best things we got this summer was a baby pool that has kept Fin occupied and happy all summer. We have gone swimming with Mattox and Tucker a bunch and they have an awesome pool that is perfect for little ones. Finley loves to follow her big cousins around and she gets a huge grin on her face when I tell her we are going to see them. For the Forth of July we went on boat with the Bolens on Lake Murray. We went to Jacksonsville to visit all of the Buscher family and had a great time with Mimi and Grandad. We were able to go to the beach with them and had a blast. Then we went to the beach with all of the Simmons family on our annual vacation. And of course I can't forget OMAHA!!! But that will have to get it's own post (or several). Here are some pictures of what we have been up to this summer...







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