Tuesday, November 23, 2010

8 is GREAT!

Finley is 8 months young and I've said it once it will say it a thousand times.....time flies! I can't believe it has been 8 GREAT months since you came into our lives. You are just an absolute ball of joy!!! So what are you doing as an 8 month beautiful baby...

*You are sitting up and playing. You love to play on the floor with your toys and Mommy and Daddy. You no longer really care for the exersaucer or swing much anymore because you would rather explore.
*You can sit yourself up all by yourself AND pull up on any and everything. You even try to be brave and stand on your own. You did this all in one night...I was getting your bath ready and you were laying on the bath mat. You wanted to sit so you rolled and twisted until you were up right and then you just crawled over to the tub and pulled yourself up! It happened so fast that I was in shock...we had to drop your crib that night. Ever since then you have not stopped!
*CRAWLING!!! You are crawling all over the place and I have a feeling you will be an early walker too (tear).
*You are still eating a few jars of baby food, puffs, apples (which you LOVE), and bananas.
*You take two naps a day one around 10am and one around 3pm.
*You still love bath time and you are not afraid to splash water in your face.
*You are absolutely full personality! You love to talk, squeal, sing and dance. You are saying Mamamama, Dadadada, and byebyebye. And whenever we go somewhere you think you are the life of the party! HA! We love your sloppy kisses that you and you even kiss yourself in the mirror.
*You are waving a lot now and you started clapping the weekend of Uncle Greg's wedding. It is your new favorite thing to do. I can't take credit for that one because it was your Daddy who talk you how to clap!

We had a mini photo shoot in the yard for her 8 month birthday...doesn't she look so fancy!

Happy 8th months Sweet Fin...I love you more today then yesterday and will love you more tomorrow then today.

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